Solar Power is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to conventional power. One benefit to having solar energy is the independence from the public electrical system. Solar panels are designed to ensure your home or property can have around the clock access to clean and renewable energy. Whether fire season or not, it can be necessary to back up your power and have a solar power reserve. This article explains some steps to prepare for power shut offs and backing up alternative sources of energy.
There are times, especially during wildfire season and when heat waves are prominent, in which the power company temporarily shuts off power to the electrical grid. Losing electricity is inconvenient at best and dangerous at worst. People with medical needs, the elderly, and other susceptible groups of people should not be without electricity for long. Utility companies do not make the decision lightly. Usually, these high-risk times are in the summer and fall. This shutdown ensures public safety by preventing forest fires due to an electrical fire caused by utility lines. Intense weather conditions, such as strong winds, dry vegetation, and low humidity, can prompt a decision to turn off the power. The wind speeds are often forecast to be 60-70 miles per hour or more to trigger a PSPS event. These public safety events have been effective in areas where utility companies temporarily shut off the power.
Solar power works by harnessing the energy from the sun's rays. Home installed solar energy consists of a series of solar panels. Within the panels are solar cells. Cells are often made from silicon. Silicon acts as a semiconductor, and electricity is subsequently generated. When the sun is shining, beams of light enter the cells and are absorbed. This process is called the photovoltaic effect. Specialized technology helps convert it to the correct type of energy to flow through the building's electrical system.
If there is no storage system in place, excess and unused energy is fed back to the primary power grid. Installing Sunpower solar panels breaks the dependency on the local utility companies. Solar energy is cost-effective, a source of clean energy, and efficient. There are many practical reasons to switch to solar power.
A planned power shutoff is to prevent forest fires started by electricity during prime fire triggering conditions. The decision to shut off power for a PSPS event is usually begun 5-7 days before the high-risk conditions are expected. Notices are sent over the following days to ensure public awareness. A shutoff can last for just a few hours or up to several days.
With or without solar power, people and families should take some steps to prepare for a power outage. These steps are valuable during any interruption to everyday life, so they are helpful to have established regardless of electrical shutoffs.
Will a solar power system operate during a power shutdown?On its own, a solar system will not operate during a power shutoff. For this reason, a backup battery or storage source is needed to store the solar energy harnessed to be used when required. During a blackout, most buildings and homes with a solar power system and the backup battery or storage system can keep functioning like normal. A solar system with a battery backup is designed to transfer between power mode and battery mode automatically.
A backup power system is a necessary companion to a solar energy system for energy storage. There are a few ways to provide solar energy storage . A backup, such as a solar battery, will keep your home running on clean, renewable energy, even during a public power shutoff. With this system in place, you will relieve the stress of the planned power outages and will be able to maintain control. With a system such as a battery for backup, the amount of energy saved and when the customer can use it is within their control.
High wind velocity can cause power lines to be damaged by falling trees or debris or damaged by extreme winds directly, and a downed power line can spark a fire. The power affected by a downed line can span hundreds of miles. Likewise, a planned power shutoff can span hundreds of miles and sometimes to areas that are not experiencing the intense weather. Having a solid emergency plan in place, emergency goods on hand and a solar energy system with an energy backup in place can help alleviate the stress and uncertainty that might come with a public safety electricity shutoff. Planned power shut offs are known to prevent wildfires and will continue to be scheduled during heat waves or times of high fire risk conditions. Solar power energy with backup can provide a cost-effective way to survive these episodes with minimal stress.
Ambrose Solar is a proud SunPower Master Dealer. We have extensive experience and knowledge about the solar power industry. Our skilled installation crews operate in Solano County, and we are a full-service solar system provider. We genuinely care and can quickly and efficiently get you on the path of clean energy and extra money in your pocket.